
Iteris is a sci-fi visual novel that takes you on an adventure where you will have to reveal mysteries of the planet, the two races and stop the Eternal War. The planet Iteris has a unique environment: it's tidally locked so one side of the planet always faces the sun and the other one is always in the darkness. Each of the two characters represent the side of the planet. Choose where you start the story from. Each chapter has several endings that will affect the character development and the story itself.
Choose wisely!

PLATFORM : Android / IOS / Windows


RATING : 13+




Iteris is an exoplanet orbiting within the Aris system around 20 light years away from Earth. Because it is so close to its star, the planet has only one hemisphere facing the star. As a result of that it is always day on one half of the planet and night on the other half.
Iteris is an exoplanet orbiting within the Aris system around 20 light years away from Earth. Because it is so close to its star, the planet has only one hemisphere facing the star. As a result of that it is always day on one half of the planet and night on the other half.
The night side of Iteris is 60% covered with arctic desert, the rest of the territory is full of mountains and swamps dominated by forests of luminescent plants
The day side of Iteris is 80% covered with uninhabited desert, the rest of it is full of canyons with patches of green vegetation
The twilight strip passes along the meridian of the planet, the most fertile part of Iteris with predominantly mixed forest and rivers. The rich resources of this part of the planet caused the beginning of the Eternal War.

The Eternal War is a war between the Ora race, the inhabitants of the day side, and the Ombra race, the representatives of the night side, for the resources of Meridian, the fertile part of Iteris. All information about the beginning of the war, the pre-war society as well as the origin of the two races was destroyed, corrupted or classified by the leaders and elders of both sides.
A typical member of the race has white skin and hair, white eyes that are well adapted to the dark and horns that are cut off in teenage during the Graduation Ceremony.
A typical representative of the race has dark blue skin that protects them from ultraviolet radiation; dark hair, bright yellow eyes, horns of various shapes and colors. Royals have golden patterns of their skin.

A scout assassin who was raised as a spy that could deceive enemies thanks to their non typical to Ombra look: darker skin, hair and eyes, which makes them an outsider among their people. They have a strong sense of justice and question every rule, belief and common knowledge that their people accept as it is. They want to reveal a mystery about the origin of the two races as well as their own, find out the truth about the beginning of the Eternal War and stop it.

When the second heir to the throne of The Sun Kingdom Ora was young they had to face the Darkness that their people fear as an enemy. That event affected them deeply making them obsessed with finding out who lives in The Darkness. They often run away from the Sun Palace searching for anything that can reunite them with the Darkness. Being a sensitive artistic type who sees the meaning of life in creation rather than distraction they hate militarism of their parent, The Sun King, feeling like they don't belong there.