Hi, I'm Reyn
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ue5, unity, godot
​I'm a level and narrative designer
Why both?
Because stories can be told through the spaces we explore, and the spaces can be shaped by the stories we tell
special interests​
arts and crafts
Japanese books
Korean detective shows​​
post rock, j-rock
nature and animals
I've been called a dreamer since I was a child, so I decided to bring my childhood dream to life and started making games.
First I studied International Relations (hoping for Intergalactic), learning how worlds connect, a skill I use to make games that resonate with players. Then I was a journalist. While writing about events and people I also wrote a lot of poetry, short stories and a couple of novels. I drew and wrote comics as well.
And then eventually, after working as a graphic designer and illustrator for years, designing an interface and drawing characters for my first game led me to finding my home - game design. So I moved to Stockholm to study in Futuregames.
Or don't and have both >:3
If you need a level designer, let's build the spaces that make players want to stay, explore, and come back for more
If you’re looking for a narrative designer, let’s make stories where players can lose themselves and find themselves.

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