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Hi, I'm Reyn

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ue5, unity, godot




​I'm a level and narrative designer

Why both? 

Because stories can be told through the spaces we explore, and the spaces can be shaped by the stories we tell

unnamed (7).png

special interests​

arts and crafts

Japanese books 

Korean detective shows​​



post rock, j-rock

nature and animals

I've been called a dreamer since I was a child, so I decided to bring my childhood dream to life and started making games.  


First I studied International Relations (hoping for Intergalactic), learning how worlds connect, a skill I use to make games that resonate with players. Then I was a journalist. While writing about events and people I also wrote a lot of poetry, short stories and a couple of novels. I drew and wrote comics as well.


And then eventually, after working as a graphic designer and illustrator for years, designing an interface and drawing characters for my first game led me to finding my home - game design. So I moved to Stockholm to study in Futuregames.

Or don't and have both >:3

If you need a level designer, let's build the spaces that make players want to stay, explore, and come back for more

If you’re looking for a narrative designer, let’s make stories where players can lose themselves and find themselves.

Whichever the path

Together we can create meaningful experiences that make the world a little better.

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